Waterpots - The Samaritan Women at the Well

The Samaritan Woman went down to Jacobs Well with her waterpot. There she encountered Jesus in a meaningful and real way. Read the full story in John 4:5-42. He spoke wisdom into her life, and she perceived Him as a Prophet. The woman was encouraged to drink from the life giving water. Something changed and her life was transformed. She became empowered, left her waterpot behind and went into the town to share with others. Leaving her waterpot behind became her testimony that she was coming back for more.
Jacob’s well was deep.
Lord I want to have deep and meaningful conversations and encounters with You. I draw from the Well of Salvation, and drink of your Spirit of wisdom and knowledge. Speak into my life and transform me into who you want me to be. Fill me with the living water of Your Holy Spirit. Refresh and empower me to be courageous as was the ‘Woman of the Well’.
Jesus boldly declares the gift of God is the Holy Spirit. We can drink of the life giving water of the Holy Spirit.
John 4:10 “If you really knew the gift of God you would as Me for it” and
v.14 “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst but the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”.
In John 7:37-39 “Later on at a feast Jesus stood and cried out, “if anyone is thirsty let them come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke of the Spirit, which they that believe in Him should receive”. See also Revelation 22:17.
This was and still is a call to action for those who are thirsty. It is an exhortation to do something.
It was not a half-hearted ‘whatever’- He stood up and cried out to establish & emphasize truth. The woman at the well asked and received from Jesus. She said “Sir, give me this living water” (John 4:15).