Go for a walk, look and see. What is God showing you, what is stirring in you, what do you feel?
How can you capture or express this?
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Prophetic Painting Often Uses Metaphors and Symbolic Language to Help Understand the Deeper Truth
Symbolic Language
Much can be said in a symbol, eg the Cross
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Metaphors, Analogies and Parables
Jesus told parables which essentially are an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
You could say that He was painting a picture with stories in the natural that had a parallel meaning to a spiritual truth.
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Metaphors are similar except we paint the image. We paint something that we can relate to in the natural that helps understand a spiritual truth.
Often there is a Scripture that correlates to it. Sometimes you may be inspired by a verse or passage of scripture and then paint, sometimes you may paint and the Biblical account emerges. The more we abide in the Word of God the more God is able to bring to remembrance and draw upon.
The Samaritan Woman – Waterpots
Oysters and Pearls.
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Painting Prophetically with Metaphors is a Personal Favourite of Mine