Letting Go… and Get Going
About art journaling… hanging onto old ways of creativity (& the thought of writing great art blogs) can be a hindrance. Well it is for me. So I need to be intentional in a few things…. namely letting go of striving to produce ‘a nice finished art piece’ or ‘writing’. After all isn’t that what Art Journaling is about. Don’t get me wrong, ‘the finished or completed piece’ is something to be admired, but here I’m simply stiring the heart with the freedom to explore and discover new ideas and fresh approaches without the stress of ‘performance’. It’s very freeing. And who knows what masterpiece will flow from it.

Picture: “Letting Go”… is painted on silk satin 16″x16” in response to striving to paint some native Australian flowers. I was struggling to paint them in the traditional way of silk painting, ie with resist outlines, and colour fills. So I went for a walk, got the revelation to just paint from a place of joy and freedom, so I ditched my brushes and used my fingers instead and painted this in about 15 minutes. I love the colours and I especially like how the top waratah flower is not attached to it’s stem, which helps to capture the sense of ‘letting go’.