A God Perspective
Some Thoughts
In a world that is often tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14), I definitely find it is surety to have available God’s written Word.
To me, it is hope as an anchor for my soul, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19).
It is hope to lead and guide in the way we should go (Psalms 119:105).
I am intrigued by metaphors, parables and stories that connect heaven and earth, that is, when something I see in the natural connects with the spiritual, and brings a greater level of understanding.
Likewise, I love it when I have read something in the Bible and I get an inspiration as to how to express it in art form, and then I see something in the natural that relates to it.
For example: My watercolour sketch below “Menorah Light”
I painted this at a time I was meditating on several scriptures:
Isaiah 11, about the 7-fold dimension of God; the Spirit of the Lord, of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, revelation and fear of the Lord;
AND Zechariah 4:2 & Revelation 5:6, about the lampstand and the 7 pipes of oil that burn and bring light of His Presence.
It was around this same time that I was sketching in the park looking out across the Pumicestone Passage, Bribie, and watching the sail boats catching the wind.
It all came together in this little watercolour. I can see the waves and the billowing sails, and I can also see the menorah – the lampstand with the lights burning, and the oil of the Lord’s Presence dripping down.
We especially need the light of the Spirit of the Lord working in us in these days to ‘set sail’ and catch the wind of the Holy Spirit filling our sails to move and guide us in the right direction as we journey on in life in His wisdom.
Menorah Light

Artwork: Menorah Light, Watercolour
Menorah with 9 pipes
Incidentally, why my painting and the image of the Menorah has 9 instead of 7 pipes/flames as does the original menorah, is because the Jews added 2 more pipes to commemorate the continuous light that didn’t go out during their festival, and the burning light of the Torah (the Word of God).

The Menorah with 9 branches/pipes

The Menorah with 7 branches/pipes
Subject Matter for Art – For Deeper Exploration
TO GOD AND ABOUT GOD - AS An Act of Worship
It can include expressing in art form aspects of His nature and attributes -eg love, mercy, greatness, beauty, goodness, faithfulness, as well as our thanksgiving.
Worship with Flags by Rhonda Pedro to the song The Goodness of God song by Cece Winans
We can create 'pictures' with the Arts about what the Kingdom of God is like. One of Jesus' Art forms was story-telling. He spoke in word pictures. He told parables or everyday stories that people could visualize and relate to. They are earthly stories that connect to a heavenly or spiritual meaning.
Art/s can reveal and bring to the surface what God wants to communicate. Through art, God can touch hearts in a way that calls for a response to believe, have faith and act.
Keep Scrolling Down…
Where we seek the wisdom of the Lord in prayer and stand in the gap and declare God's intentions, promises and blessings for specific situations, regions, people groups, or individuals. We can use any combination of the Art/s to convey the message. This includes Art/s used in praise or in spiritual warfare, that is, in fighting the battles. Painted or dyed flags of intercession are a good example.
The things that we look at and see everyday can help us to know more about the nature and character of God. When we look at the beauty and majestic greatness of God's creation and design whether it be a tiny fragrant flower or the stars in the galaxy, we can connect these qualities to the invisible God who made them. We are not separate from what we create. Part of ourselves is found within our artworks. God is the master artist putting His handiwork, and Himself, on display for us to know Him. Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse".
We can also look at our environment and see the disturbance caused by the lack of God's presence and blessing through our own sinfulness and misgivings. Many times we have disregarded God and each other, and we wonder why the world is like it is. God wants to redeem and restore the land and bring forth a harvest of plenty.
God can use the Art/s to release His anointing to save, heal, deliver and restore. We can create art pieces that are spontaneous, casual and free flowing or we can create more 'finished' pieces. Both forms help people to connect with God and His ways, to open up and be touched by the Father's heart of love and be changed.
Keep Scrolling Down…
I love how the Arts can work together.
My Encouragement
Whatever your preferred Art/s or style, just do your thing. Be you! Enjoy your flavour of art/s expression with God and let Him shape it… and you. Being our honest self is half the battle. And although I make suggestions about God and the Art/s, it is easy to seize up with worrying about… is it prophetic… am I to paint, sing or dance prophetically… is it to be about the things of the KOG… or is my Art/s to be healing Art/s?
My encouragement to you is just keep your creativity flowing, stay connected to the Source, and let God lead you and anoint as He wills for the purposes He chooses. Paint… sketch… sing… dance… write… what is on your heart, bring to life what stirs you and you will be surprised at what emerges and how God uses it.
Remember Our Work as Artists begins at Home in Our Own Soul and Spirit
If we are to properly steward the gifts and talents God has given us, our art needs to be nurtured and developed. My art inspiration flows on from my quite times of meditation and communing with God and His Word. I hope to capture an element of His Grace whether I’m at home or out enjoying nature. These are often ‘unfinished pieces’ or sketches on the pages of my art journals. These sketches can speak in and of themselves. Some are to remain private, just for me, some are still waiting to be developed into more ‘finished’ pieces. We are all on a journey and are a work in progress – and I am still working through some inhibitions as well as exploring different art techniques to fully produce or express the art pieces I would like to do.