Abundance and Hidden Treasures
Have you ever looked at grains of sand magnified under a microscope? They look like beautiful coloured rocks or coral. Each piece is extraordinary. Yet we walk on these gems without knowing their beauty and wonder. They are like treasures hid in the sand, waiting to be discovered.

Look and See Hidden Gems
Watercolour © Gayle Grimsey

Abundance and Hidden Treasures
Pen and Watercolour © Gayle Grimsey

Magnified Grains of Sand
Image by sandgrains.com
Look and See
The abundance of the seas are the abundance of resources that are there but we don’t often see them or if we do, we don’t draw them out. Once something is uncovered and revealed, then what will we do with it?
“They shall call the people unto the mountain, there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas and of treasures hid in the sand” (Deut 33:19).
“In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” Colossians 2:3
“…seek and you shall find” Matthew 7:7
Interestingly in the Strongs Concordance of the Bible, “seas” means ‘to roar as a lion, that is the noise of the breaking surf’. “Sand” means “round or whirling particles”. It has a deeper meaning ‘to twist or whirl in a circular or spiral manner, specifically to dance’.

Artwork: Dancing and Twirling
Watercolour Sketch © 2016 Gayle Grimsey
I think I will be doing another painting of whirling gemstones to symbolize this partnership we have with Christ in releasing the treasures of His wisdom and revelation.
There is an abundance of resources hid in Christ waiting for us to discover.